Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Tips to Maintain Harmony After Married

Marriage is the most important moment for the bride and groom. The events are expected to occur once in a lifetime this would require very careful preparation. Bali wedding planner also is a very sacred thing and should be has the right and the good. It is a sacred bond that will lead everyone toward a new life. They will have an accompanying spouse until death. 


A marriage should be maintained purity. Some tips for maintaining harmony and romance in married wife:
1.      Keep Harmony with Mutual Respect
That should be done by all married couples in the world without exception. Respect is one of the ways we give the highest position after the Lord and the elderly in our hearts. Respect the existence of the husband or wife who accompanies us will make our partner feel appreciated. No matter whether you're older or younger than your spouse, which is the most important behavior of mutual respect between you and your partner should be created and maintained. Maintain the good name and dignity of your partner is one way of mutual respect.
2.      Say sorry and promise not to repeat it again
The word sorry is often missed because it was the husband has been able to accept it. A survey conducted in San Francisco found that 25% of people are unhappy marriage to apologize to her husband even though the mistake is not too severe. The people who make divorce more difficult found apologize or even never did, so it is likely to remain its own very large.
3.      Create Romanticism
Romantic atmosphere will be created when you have a romantic attitude to the couple you. Not need not prepare an activity that is romantic for your partner. Little things that can please your partner will feel romantic if you sincerely do. For example, the pair wake up from sleep with a bar of red roses or a cup of hot coffee, slipped the letter contains a message of love in his shirt pocket, or whisper the phrase "I love you" in his ear when go to sleep.
4.      Current Communication Maintain Harmonious Relationship Fixed
Communication is the easiest way to know what is being felt by your partner. Smooth communication will make couples to be open in all things, there is no ulterior motive that would lead to suspicions of your spouse. Smooth communication also train you and your partner to be a good listener. Communicate what you feel to your partner middle with understandable language. Do not hesitate or feel free to discuss everything to your spouse, because if you and your partner have officially become husband and wife, it means your partner should be the closest and most know inside out about yourself.

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